How Rotary Clubs Get Involved

Participating in District 6940’s Rotary Youth Leadership Awards and How to Sponsor a Student

Six Steps of How a Club Sponsors a Student


Step 1: Decide how many students you will send to RYLA and enter it here. (This is quantity only. Clubs do not need to have identified their student selections at this point. The purpose of this step is to make a “reservation” only for your students. We only have 80 spots so reserve early!)

Step 2: Send a check for your reservation of sponsored students

Payable to Rotary District 6940 Foundation.

Mailed to Jenny Lloyd, RYLA 6940 District Chair, P. O. Box 892, Branford, FL 32008 (more information here)

Step 3: Start the Selection Process

A. Nominations: Talk to/email your local school advisors asking for nominations by from all 10th grade students within these parameters:

* 10th graders only
* All colors, creeds, and interests
* Currently in leadership or has the potential for leadership
* Would benefit from an intensive leadership training weekend
* Would have the aptitude to learn to speak publicly, learn about ethics, problem solve, work in groups
* Availability to attend 2/29/24-3/3/24 (check sports, prom, band & other extra-curricular calendars to verify)

B. Presentation. Upon receipt of nominations, a Rotarian and a RYLA graduate should do a short talk (10-15 minutes) about RYLA to the field of candidates. (A short digital presentation is available if needed – extremely helpful to have alumni talk about their experience too.) This talk works well in an Interact Club meeting or another designated time during school hours. RYLA talks are most effective when pictures of past years are available. Students must be aware that attendance is required for all four days of the event. They will not be allowed to leave the camp at any time. This is important for both students and parents to know.

C. Application. After the meeting, distribute the application website & the sponsoring club name to any of the nominated students who are interested in going to RYLA. Final student application deadline is 1/15/24. When they apply online, an email will be sent to you as the RYLA Club Chair with their information. This year, the medical form will be requested of the student after the application has been submitted. This is needed in advance to ensure our nurse has sufficient time to review medications, be aware of which students have allergies, etc. It is an important step for the safety and well-being of all students so we need time to process the forms for all the students.


D. Selection. After receipt of their applications, your club will need to determine which students to send. If you have paid to send four students, but have, for example, 10 applications, short 10-15 minutes interviews should be scheduled with the student to make quality selections based on first hand knowledge. This again is a good time to verify the student’s schedule is clear for RYLA and that the student definitely has an interest. In addition to selecting the number of students your club has budgeted for RYLA, a number of alternates should be selected. Drop-outs are possible and a good group of alternates will ensure your club will be able to send students from your community.  We recommend each club select one or two alternates. (An equal quantity of males vs females selected is helpful. We understand this isn’t always possible based on the nominations, the student’s availability, as well as other determining factors, so it isn’t mandatory to send equal boys vs girls, but it is helpful.)


E. Report. After selections have been made, please send an email to [email protected]with your club name and the names of your RYLA student selections. Deadline for reporting the student selections is 12/31/23. After that date, the RYLA team will be dividing the students into their groups, making cabin assignments, preparing final details of name tags, t-shirts, supplies and so much more.


F. Notify. Next, prompt, congratulatory phone calls to the selected students and their parents should follow, confirming the dates again with the parents. If a template is needed, please email Jenny at [email protected].


Step 4:  By February 15, 2024, please report to Ed Wonders ([email protected]) clear details on HOW your selected RYLA students will be transported to and from camp. He will need name and number of the adult bringing the student, and the name and number of the adult picking up the students. Students cannot drive themselves. (Clubs handle this in different ways. Some club members volunteer to drive students to RYLA, and another member will pickup from RYLA. Some clubs carpool. Some on the east side of the district rent a van and split expenses among the clubs. Some parents take them and pick them up. Whatever safely & feasibly works for your club and your students is acceptable.) However, we must know in advance who is bringing the students and who will be picking them up. For the safety and interest of our students, no students will be released to anyone not already pre-arranged with the transportation coordinator.

March – April

Step 5: Invite your sponsored students to come talk to your club after RYLA.  Ask them questions about what they learned and about their experience.

Step 6: Send feedback to [email protected] after RYLA if you have any feedback: comments, suggestions, things you appreciated, leadership lab recommendations, or things we can improve upon for next year.

Recap of Important Dates:

Step 1 & 2: 
October – make your “reservation” (quantity of students) & mail club check

Step 3: 
10/31/23 – Student applications on & notarized medical form to [email protected]
12/31/23 – Determine & report your student selections

Step 4: 
2/15/24 – Report transportation details to Ed Wonders at [email protected]

2/29/24-3/3/24 RYLA 2024!

Step 5 & 6:
March/April – RYLA Graduate Club Visit; Feedback